Every little bit counts. Your donation helps local animals from going hungry, assists with spaying & neutering, and keeps pets healthy. Rockbridge Animal Alliance does not receive any state or federal funds, and we rely solely on community support, local businesses, and grants.

Pet Food Donation Box located at RARA, 350 Spotswood Dr, Lexington, VA 24450
SUSTAINING MEMBER: You can make a monthly commitment to pets supported by Rockbridge Animal Alliance who need our help. Through our secure donation link, you can schedule a recurring donation monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Your recurring contribution ensures that we can continue our lifesaving programs.
AMAZON WISH LIST: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ATSBTASL2M8A?ref_=wl_share
KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Use the following link for easy instructions. https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
PET FOOD: We accept unopened bags, cans of dog and cat food, plus treats and supplies. You may contact us to arrange pick-up OR you may take your donations to TRACTOR SUPPLY located at 800 N Lee Hwy, Lexington, VA 24450, and place your items in our donation box.
EMPLOYER MATCHING DONATIONS: More than 23,000 companies of all sizes now offer matching gifts for their employees, employees’ spouses or partners, and even retirees. Find out if your employer will match your Rockbridge Animal Alliance giving https://www.charitynavigator.org/donor-basics/giving-101/employee-match-programs/
SOCIAL MEDIA FUNDRAISING: It is so easy to set up a fundraiser to support Rockbridge Animal Alliance through your social media accounts. Facebook and Instagram are great platforms to spread the word about your passion for our cause. Bonus: Facebook and Instagram do not take any fees from the donations you collect!
PLANNED GIVING: Leaving a legacy to Rockbridge Animal Alliance through your estate plans today helps ensure our mission of providing essential supports will be sustained in the future. Your gift memorializes your commitment to animal welfare as part of your legacy. Your gift can be dedicated to a loved one or pet who inspired your love for animals. Your gift may reduce the tax burden for your heirs. Speak to your estate planner and provide them our tax ID (EIN) #47-2191945.